Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD, is a Professor of Physiology and Psychology at the University of Arizona. She is also a Reiki Master, and has practiced Reiki on people and animals for the last five years. She obtained her Bachelors degree in Physics from University of Bristol, UK, her Masters degree in Radiation Physics from University of London, UK and her PhD in Physiology from Imperial College, University of London.
Ann's research focuses on the physiological effects of mental and emotional stress, and she is currently exploring the efficacies of Reiki and of Biofeedback techniques in reducing the damaging effects of stress. She has published over 80 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has been a member of several review panels for National Institutes of Health. With her Reiki training and extensive scientific background, Ann hopes to bridge the gap between energy healing and quantitative scientific enquiry.
Ann was recently featured in a news video focusing on the positive effects Reiki has in helping cancer patients cope.
In her spare time Ann likes to ride her horse and she also volunteers as a horse handler for Therapeutic Riding of Tucson.
Education |
University of Bristol, U.K. B.S. 1975 Physics Honors Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London, U.K. M.S. 1976 Radiation Physics Imperial College, University of London, U.K. Ph.D. 1979 Physiology Thesis Title: Computer-assisted enhancement of images obtained from the gamma-camera Dissertation Title: Effects of pressure on the structure and mechanics of the rabbit thoracic aorta Dissertation Director: Professor C.G. Caro |
Academic Appointments |
1979-1981 | Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Imperial College, London |
1981-1983 | Research Associate in Physiology, Columbia University, New York |
1983-1985 | Research Associate in Physiology, University of Arizona |
1986-1991 | Research Assistant Professor, University of Arizona |
1991-1994 | Assistant Professor, University of Arizona |
1994-2000 | Associate Professor, University of Arizona |
2000-present | Professor, University of Arizona |
Honors and Awards |
1975 | Graduation with honors in Physics |
1975/76 | Medical Research Council Scholarship |
1976/79 | Science Research Council Scholarship |
1984 | Young Investigator Travel Award to attend Third World Congress for Microcirculation |
1986 | Lamport Award of the Cardiovascular Section of the American Physiological Society |
1986 | Travel Award from European Society for Micro circulation to attend 14th International Conference in Sweden |
1987 | Robert S. Flinn Merit Award for Junior Investigators, American Heart Association, Arizona Affiliate |
1989 | Travel Award from American Physiological Society to attend IUPS Conference in Helsinki |
1993 | Fellow of Cardiovascular Section of American Physiological Society |
1996 | Editorial Board, American Journal of Physiology |
1999 | Editorial Board, Microcirculation |
1999 | Sarver Award, University of Arizona Heart Center |
1996-2000 | Member of NIH Study Section, Cardiovascular and Renal |
2001 | Frontiers in Physiology Summer Research Teacher Host Investigator Awardee |
2005 | Benjamin Meaker Visiting Fellowship for University of Bristol, UK |
Consultant Work |
1996-1997 | Consulted for Somatogen, Inc., Boulder, Colorado. |
July 1996 | Consulted for Hemosol, Toronto, Canada |
June 1997 | Selected as one of a small group of "Opinion Leaders" from Europe and USA, by Carolyn Ruble and Assocs. to give advice concerning a new oxygen therapeutic |
Dec 1997 | Invited to become a member of a Working Group on Cardiovascular Local Drug, Gene and Radiation Delivery (associated with Amer. Heart Assoc.) |
Jan 2000 | Invited to be a member of international panel for ÒCurrent DrugsÓ, U.K. |
July 2001 | Invited to be a member of The Council of Healthcare Advisors |
March 2003 | Reviewed a grant on blood substitutes for US Army |
Aug 2003 | Reviewed a grant for Energy Biofield Center, University of Arizona |
Jan 2004 | Invited to be on Steering Committee for Energy Biofield Center |
April 2004 | Member of Academic Program Review team for Cancer Biology |
Feb 2005 | Consulted with JP Morgan regarding Polyheme blood substitute |
Feb 2005 | Consulted with Cooper Hill Partners regarding Polyheme blood substitute |
Feb 2005 | Consulted with Oracle regarding Polyheme blood substitute |
Oct 2005 | Consulted with Morgan Stanley Proprietary Trading regarding blood substitutes |
April 2006 | Consulted with Synzyme regarding blood substitutes |
April 2006 | Invited to be a member of Microdose Medical Advisory Committee |
June 2006 | Consulted with LifeTech Research regarding blood substitutes |
Publications |
Alberding JP, Heimark RL and Baldwin AL. Effects of transient pressure gradient on endothelial F-Actin and beta-catenin. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 2(1): 1-11, 2008. Baldwin AL, Wagers C and Schwartz GE. Reiki improves heart rate homeostasis in laboratory rats. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 14(4): 417-422, 2008. Baldwin AL. The stressful life of laboratory animals. Project Syndicate, 2007. ( Translated into Spanish, Russian, French, German, Czech, Chinese and Arabic. Baldwin AL. Reiki - what animals can tell us. International Therapist, 82 (May/June): 14-16, 2008. Baldwin AL and Bekoff M. Too stressed to work. New Scientist, p24, 9 June 2007. Wright AJ, Aguilar Soto N, Baldwin AL et al. Do marine mammals experience stress related to anthropogenic noise? Int. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 20(2-3): 274-316, 2007. Wright AJ, Aguilar Soto N, Baldwin AL et al. Anthropogenic noise and physiological stress: behaviour, context and animal welfare. Int. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 20(2-3): 250-273, 2007. Baldwin AL. Effects of noise on rodent physiology. Int. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 20: 134-144, 2007. Cudilo E, Al Naemi H, Marmorstein L and Baldwin AL. Knockout mice: is it just genetics? Effects of enrichment on fibulin-4+/- mice. PLos ONE, 2(2): e229, 2007. Goriely AR, Baldwin AL and Secomb TW. Transient diffusion of albumin in aortic walls: Effects of binding to medial elastin layers. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 292: H2195-H2201, 2007. Baldwin AL, Schwartz GE and Hopp DH. Are investigators aware of environmental noise in animal facilities and that such noise may affect experimental data? J. Amer. Assoc. for Laboratory Animal Science, 46(1): 45-51, 2007. Baldwin AL and Bell IR. Effect of noise on microvascular integrity in laboratory rats. J. Amer. Assoc. for Laboratory Animal Science, 46(1): 58-65, 2007. Burke TK Teng X Patel RP Baldwin AL. Jul 2006. Effects of S-nitrosation on hemoglobin-induced microvascular damage. Antioxid Redox Signal, 8:1093-101 Baldwin AL. Jan 2006. Mast cell activation by stress. Methods Mol Biol, 315:349-60 Baldwin AL, Primeau RL, Johnson WE. Jan 2006. Effect of noise on the morphology of the intestinal mucosa in laboratory rats. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci, 45:74-82 Baldwin AL, Schwartz GE. Jan 2006. Personal interaction with a Reiki practitioner decreases noise-induced microvascular damage in an animal model. J Altern Complement Med, 12:15-22 Burwell AK Baldwin AL. Jan 2006. Do audible and ultrasonic sounds of intensities common in animal facilities affect the autonomic nervous system of rodents?. J Appl Anim Welf Sci, 9:179-200 Alberding JP, Baldwin AL, Barton JK, Wiley E. Aug 2005. Effects of pulsation frequency and endothelial integrity on enhanced arterial transmural filtration produced by pulsatile pressure. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 289:H931-7 Baldwin AL, Demaria L, Wiley EB. Jan 2005. Effects of phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide on hemoglobin-induced damage to intestinal mucosa. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol, 33:163-86 Baldwin AL. Dec 2004. Blood substitutes and redox responses in the microcirculation. Antioxid Redox Signal, 6:1019-30 Valeski JE, Baldwin AL. Oct 2003. Role of the actin cytoskeleton in regulating endothelial permeability in venules. Microcirculation, 10:411-20 Baldwin AL, Wiley EB, Alayash AI. Oct 2003. DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF SODIUM SELENITE IN REDUCING TISSUE DAMAGE CAUSED BY THREE HEMOGLOBIN-BASED OXYGEN CARRIERS. J Appl Physiol,2003 Oct 10; Jain M, Baldwin AL. Feb 2003. Are laboratory animals stressed by their housing environment and are investigators aware that this stress can affect physiological data?. Med Hypotheses, 60:284-9 Baldwin AL, Wiley EB, Summers AG, Alayash AI. Jan 2003. Sodium selenite reduces hemoglobin-induced venular leakage in the rat mesentery. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 284:H81-91 Baldwin AL, Wiley EB, Alayash AI. Oct 2002. Comparison of effects of two hemoglobin-based O(2) carriers on intestinal integrity and microvascular leakage. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 283:H1292-301 Baldwin AL, Wiley EB. Jan 2002. Selenium reduces hemoglobin-induced epithelial damage to intestinal mucosa. Artif Cells Blood Substit Immobil Biotechnol, 30:1-22 Baldwin AL, Thurston G. Jan 2001. Mechanics of endothelial cell architecture and vascular permeability. Crit Rev Biomed Eng, 29:247-78 Baldwin AL. Oct 2000. Introduction: a brief history of capillaries and some examples of their apparently strange behaviour. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 27:821-5 Baldwin AL, Thurston G, al Naemi H. May 1998. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis increases venular permeability and alters endothelial actin cytoskeleton. Am J Physiol, 274:H1776-84 Simon BR, Kaufmann MV, McAfee MA, Baldwin AL. Apr 1998. Porohyperelastic finite element analysis of large arteries using ABAQUS. J Biomech Eng, 120:296-8 Simon BR, Kaufmann MV, McAfee MA, Baldwin AL, Wilson LM. Apr 1998. Identification and determination of material properties for porohyperelastic analysis of large arteries. J Biomech Eng, 120:188-94 Merkle CJ, Wilson LM, Baldwin AL. Feb 1998. Acute blood stasis reduces interstitial uptake of albumin from intestinal microcirculatory networks. Am J Physiol, 274:H600-8 Wilson LM, Baldwin AL. Jan 1998. Effects of environmental stress on the architecture and permeability of the rat mesenteric microvasculature. Microcirculation, 5:299-308 Baldwin AL, Wilson LM, Gradus-Pizlo I, Wilensky R, March K. Dec 1997. Effect of atherosclerosis on transmural convection an arterial ultrastructure. Implications for local intravascular drug delivery. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 17:3365-75 Baldwin AL, Thurston G. Nov 1995. Changes in endothelial actin cytoskeleton in venules with time after histamine treatment. Am J Physiol, 269:H1528-37 Baldwin AL, Wilson LM. Apr 1994. Stationary red blood cells induce a negative charge on mucosal capillary endothelium. Am J Physiol, 266:G685-94 Simon BR, Kaufmann MV, McAfee MA, Baldwin AL. Nov 1993. Finite element models for arterial wall mechanics. J Biomech Eng, 115:489-96 Baldwin AL, Ferrer P, Rozum JS, Gore RW. Mar 1993. Regulation of water balance between blood and lymph in the frog, Rana pipiens. Lymphology, 26:4-18 Baldwin AL, Wilson LM. Jan 1993. Endothelium increases medial hydraulic conductance of aorta, possibly by release of EDRF. Am J Physiol, 264:H26-32 Wu NZ, Baldwin AL. Nov 1992. Possible mechanism(s) for permeability recovery of venules during histamine application. Microvasc Res, 44:334-52 Wu NZ, Baldwin AL. Apr 1992. Transient venular permeability increase and endothelial gap formation induced by histamine. Am J Physiol, 262:H1238-47 Baldwin AL, Wilson LM, Simon BR. Feb 1992. Effect of pressure on aortic hydraulic conductance. Arterioscler Thromb, 12:163-71 Baldwin AL, Wu NZ, Stein DL. Sep 1991. Endothelial surface charge of intestinal mucosal capillaries and its modulation by dextran. Microvasc Res, 42:160-78 Baldwin AL, Gore RW. Jul 1989. Simultaneous measurement of capillary distensibility and hydraulic conductance. Microvasc Res, 38:1-22 |
Christina WagersChristina Wagers is a Karuna Reiki Master who also practices White Time Healing. She has been a therapeutic body worker for the last twelve years, using her intuition to intertwine energy healing with massage to suit the needs of each individual. Christina is experienced in spiritual counseling for people with a variety of emotional, spiritual and physical challenges. Her practice also includes energy healing with animals. | |
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