You relax, fully clothed, on a couch or seated while the Reiki practitioner holds her hands on or above you. There is no pressure on the body. The energy flows wherever it is required and can normally be felt as a warm sensation or tingling in the body. Receiving Reiki is a very relaxing and soothing experience!
Reiki can be used to reduce the debilitating effects of stress and anxiety. It can also relieve the pain from many ailments such as headaches, stomach upsets, back problems, asthma - respiratory problems, PMT, menstrual problems, sinus, and many more. (Please observe that Reiki should never be used instead of medical treatment; it should be used as a complement and a way to become and remain healthy).
An attunement is a special ceremony to awaken the inner healing power of a person by connecting him/her to the unlimited source of Universal Life Force Energy. It enables the person to make way for the healing process and allow positive changes to occur on all levels – physical, emotional and spiritual.
Level 1: Four attunements are given over a 6-hour workshop which aligns a person’s charkas/energy centers to connect him/her to the Universal Life Force Energy. This starts the process of healing within the person and also enables the person to give direct healing to the self, other people, animals and plants.
Level 2: One further attunement is given over a 4-hour workshop to strengthen the connection to the Universal Life Force Energy, increasing a person’s ability to transmit healing. This level enables a person to heal the self and others, directly or at a distance on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual.
Biofeedback is a mind-body therapy that uses electronic equipment to help a person gain awareness and control over their autonomic nervous system (the system that controls heart rate, respiration, sweating and levels of excitement and relaxation.
During your evaluation, Ann Baldwin, PhD will monitor your heart rate, heart rate variability, respiration and skin conductance using the Biograph Infiniti system (Thought Technology) and will evaluate your levels of emotional and mental stress. She will then draw up a personalized plan of breathing exercises and thought patterns for you to practice daily that will bring you to a better physiological and psychological balance. At your evaluation, you will practice these exercises using 'Healing Rhythms' a biofeedback system devised by 'Wild Divine'. Copies of 'Healing Rhythms' will be available for you to purchase and take home so you can practice. A further session with Dr. Baldwin is recommended so you may see how much you are improving and discuss any difficulties you may be experiencing.
The Journey to Wild Divine is a complex and challenging adventure game for mind & body that combines proven biofeedback technology with creative, computer-based tools to reduce stress and promote optimal health. Wearing three finger sensors that track your body's heart rate variability and skin conductance as you journey through the game, you'll learn to use the power of your thoughts, feelings, breath and awareness to build stairways, open doors, juggle balls, light fires and much more. Almost as a by-product you will experience increased relaxation, reduced stress and heightened vitality and mental clarity. If that's not enough, the game is amazingly inexpensive.
In this workshop we will introduce you to the concept of Biofeedback and demonstrate its use as a stress reducer. Using special sensors placed on your fingers, you will be able to watch recordings of your heart rate and skin conductance on a computer monitor and learn how to assess your level of emotional stress. We will then teach you certain breathing exercises and thought patterns to help you reduce your stress levels. You will see the effects of these exercises on your heart rate and skin conductance when you wear the sensors and play the 'Healthy Rhythms' Wild Divine stress reduction computer game.
In the second half of this workshop, we will introduce you to Reiki; what it is, how it was developed, and we will describe the results of scientific experiments demonstrating that Reiki's effects on the body are beneficial and measurable. If any of you want to experience a Reiki session, Reiki sessions will be available. If you want to learn how to perform Reiki yourself, there will be an opportunity to sign up for an attunement.
This work is suited for those interested in increasing the awareness of their own physical and energetic bodies and will provide you with the tools to help maintain the physical and psychological well-being of yourself and those around you.
Both packages use similar tools and techniques. "Stress Relief" focuses on reducing the stresses of everyday life and "Revitalize You" emphasizes enhanced performance and well-being.
As part of the HeartMath Stopping Emotional Eating program, Dr. Baldwin, a registered HeartMath 1 on 1 provider, will take you through the program, customize it to meet your goals and provide the additional encouragement and support you need as you learn to:
It won’t take long before you notice:
You will learn how to quickly create and sustain heart rhythm coherence, a highly efficient and rejuvenating state where your nervous system, heart, mind and emotions all work in harmony. A growing body of research is showing that coherence can improve memory, increase mental clarity, reduce feelings of anxiety and anger and relieve a wide range of stress symptoms.
Both emWave devices are available from Dr. Baldwin and can be purchased with or without the other packages. A one-hour emWave instruction session is recommended should you choose not to buy the complete HeartMath package.
De-Stress Kit for the Changing Times
HeartMath is
a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.
Revitalize You! is a trademark of HeartMath LLC.
emWave and Personal Stress Reliever are registered
trademarks of Quantum Intech, Inc.
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